On April 10th from 7:30 to 8:30 the Kansas Beta Chapter of Pi Beta Phi hosted Speedo-Read in Kansas State Universities Natatorium. Speedo Read is Pi Phi's very own "water Olympics" that brings the greek community together to raise money for Pi Phi's national philanthropy Read > Lead > Achieve which benefits children's literacy.
Pi Phi's wait for the Speedo Read events to start! |
This years Speedo Read had over 40 people around the greek community competing! Among those 40 participates there were eight teams of five. Along with each team there were two Pi Phi coaches assigned to help them out and make sure they had a great time. There were four events that each team participated in that were judged by the Pi Phi's.
Event #1: The Splash Contest Each member of every group got a chance to create the biggest splash they could off of the "low dive" into one of the three swimming pools. The judges gave each contestant a 1-10 based on the amount of splash they created.
Event #2: The Diving Contest The diving contest was off of the "high dive" but not much diving is involved. Instead each member climbs up the latter and jumps as the Pi Phi's standing on the other side of the pool flip a giant sign. On the signs are different Dr. Seuss quotes in honor of Read > Lead > Achieve. The contestant has from the time they jump until the time they hit the water to read as much of the quote as possible. They are judged based on how many words they are able to read.
Event #3: Synchronized Swimming Each team gets to chose their song of choice and perform a 2 minute long routine for a panel of Pi Phi judges. They are based off of creativity and enthusiasm. Most groups get really into this event and even put together a routine in advance! This is probably the Pi Phi's and the contestants favorite event!
Contestants performing their synchronized swimming routine for the judges! |
Event #4: The Relay Race In the lap pool, contestants have a classic Relay Race with a twist. The contestants have to add things such as floaties and clothing with each change of contestant so by the end of the race the last person is in a full outfit! This event is judged based on the time it takes them to complete the race.
Team representing Pi Kappa Alpha and their Pi Phi coaches Sophomores Taylor Scheer (left) and Payton Meyer (right). |
Beta Theta Pi celebrating their second place win! |
This year Speedo-Read was a great success! The fraternity that won the event was Theta Xi and they received gift cards to Chipolte as their prize. Overall, Pi Phi raised $750 to be donated to Read > Lead > Achieve and had a BLAST doing it!